Let Us Exalt His Name Together
Updated: Oct 19, 2023

Today was the first day of the Women’s Retreat, with ladies arriving from all over the region. There are over 170 ladies here for the Conference, and a whole additional crew of gentlemen quietly supporting throughout.

As we had breakfast together before our first session, we read Psalm 34. Many verses reflect some of the beautiful things that we got to experience today.
Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!
Speaking of breakfast buffet, we are definitely rejoicing in the tasty food of Colombia. Favourites from today included pan de bono (little, chewy, cheesy, cassava flour balls), chicharron (deep fried pork belly….at breakfast :D), beef cooked in coconut gravy, and fresh juices of soursop and berry to wash it all down.
I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak his praises.
Music was a big part of today. We can’t tell you how special it was to have a worship service almost simultaneously with Peoples Church (since we’re just one hour behind), and be singing songs that we sing in Toronto, but in Spanish. Singing words like “Aquí estás, te vemos mover” (You are here, moving in this place) had so much more meaning to know that God is being praised here in Colombia, and there in Toronto, and everywhere. Makes us feel small and God big.
Colombia is a big country with many regions and people groups. One group of ladies is from the Wayuu tribe, a 6-hour drive away (which we will visit later this week). During the “talent show” portion of our evening, one lady shared a song that she personally and prayerfully translated from Spanish to Wayuunaiki, “so that her Wayuu brothers and sisters could worship the Lord.”
Of course praise wasn’t just singing. We got to watch the most glorious use of big dresses to praise, and ladies with faces radiant with joy danced in worship. There was also some exhilarating drumming and shaker shaking that kept even the older ladies lifting up shouts of praise at 11pm!
I will boast only in the Lord; let all who are helpless take heart.
The theme passage for the retreat is Matthew 14. During the breakout sessions, women were invited to share their experiences of Trials /Overcoming (like when Jesus grieved John’s death) and Miracles/Serving (like when Jesus fed 5,000). For each, women were jumping at the chance to share about God’s faithfulness.
We’re thankful that Amapola and Maria were able to share some of their testimony today, with others team members speaking encouragement too.
That’s something we continue to hear. In every instance of sharing, dancing, singing, etc., they always open and close whatever they share with a phrase like “Gloria a Dios” (Glory to God), which the congregation responds with “Amen”. Oh that the name of Jesus would be our every source, supply, boast, and declaration.
The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles.
The righteous person faces many troubles, but the Lord comes to the rescue each time.
One common humbling reflection of multiple team members is the faith of our Colombia sisters. They really call out to the Lord, like REALLY call out to the Lord, again and again, bearing their hearts, fasting, repeatedly, with one another, on their knees. But as much as we might marvel (and maybe even envy) their faith, we can see that they are products of the raw and often tragic troubles – a last bottle of formula, the death of not just a husband but a second husband after remarriage, ravaging sickness, choice between food or transportation to church. But rather than being crushed, condemned, or broken, we can see that the Lord rescues. How do we react to such situations? Do we put God in a box because we think ourselves self sufficient?
Gloria a Dios.

Thank you Fiona, Yesie, Juvy, Dani, Ana, Jenn, Maria and Amapola for these updates. It is beautiful to see how you are exalting His name together with our Colombian family with songs, maracas and dance. Gloria a Dios! We continue to pray for all of you and the people you are visiting.